The noble choice for custom beef processing.

The noble choice for custom beef processing.

Thank you for visiting Noble Meat Company!

We are located in downtown Kaufman in the old Kaufman Meat locker. We would love to serve you with Custom Beef Processing. Please explore our website and feel free to book a processing appointment here or give us a call to book an appointment during business hours.


7-10 days of dry aging is included with your processing.

Processing rates are as follows:

$75 Harvest and Disposal Fee

This fee will be paid as a deposit to hold your appointment time.

Then, choose from one of the following four cutting options with 4 different rates.


All Ground Beef

$1.00/lb (Details)

Rancher’s Cut

$1.15/lb (Details)

Farmer’s Cut

$1.05/lb (Details)

Nobleman’s Cut

$1.24/lb (Details)


To plan processing time slots more efficiently for our customers, we require deposits to secure appointments. The deposit is equal to the harvest and disposal fee of $75.

Deposits paid for appointments are non-refundable. If you are unable to make it to your designated appointment time, please call to notify us 48 hours before your appointment.
We will do our best to move you to an appointment time that better suits your needs, however, we cannot guarantee any sort of timeliness regarding the new appointment time. If you do not notify us 48 hours before your appointment time that you do not plan to utilize your appointment time, we will consider the deposit forfeited.


I purchased a cow (steer, bull, heifer) for food. What now?
We process livestock by appointment only. Please call 972.932.2717 to book an appointment for processing. You may withdraw feed from your livestock up to 24 hours before processing, however, do not take them off water. We also ensure all livestock have access to water while penned at our facility.
I have never done this before. Please outline the process.
First step for processing an animal with us is to book an appointment. Each appointment is held with a $75 deposit.
The second step is to drop the livestock off on the appropriate date/time. A trained employee will assist in unloading your livestock at the animal pens. Appointments are typically between 8-9 am on the day of your appointment. At that time, we will go over your cutting instructions with you.  Cutting options are lined out on the Home page of the website or cutting sheet for the Nobleman’s Cut Orders are available there if if you would like to review the cutting options and begin to complete your sheet before your drop-off. If need be, we can call another stakeholder in the meat to take an order after that time.  Please have all necessary contact information ready at drop-off. Please be aware additional fees may be incurred for splitting or quartering.

For the final step, we will call/text/email you when your order is ready!  All the meat will be frozen and boxed.  Each cut of meat will be individually labeled with you name and what cut it is.  We ask that you plan to pick up your order in its entirety as quickly as possible.  After 35 days, we consider the meat abandoned.  Payment is expected at or before pick-up.  We ask that you call when you are on your way to pick up the order, giving us a 30-minute window.  This will allow us to get the boxes pulled from the shelves and be ready to load you up quickly.  You may want to bring coolers or blankets to cover the boxes, but that is usually not necessary to get your meat home frozen. We expect your order to be picked up within 15 days of the ready notification to avoid storage fees of $1/box per day.

How do I know I get my meat back?
We realize each of our customers has put time and money into their livestock. It is particularly important to reap the fruit of your labor and we guarantee that you get your meat back.

Noble Meat Company utilizes a computerized tracking system. This tracking system starts with your appointment and continues through the entire butchering process. If you would like to receive more information about how we track meat through our system, please ask and we would be happy to walk you through the system in detail.

How is my meat packaged?
Cuts of beef are vacuum packaged and ground beef is stuffed in plastic bags (chubs).
Do you sell retail meat?
We do not currently have retail sales, but that is in future plans.
How much meat should I expect to receive from my livestock?

Yield is an important aspect of butchering meat. It is quite a dramatic transformation to bring a large, live animal to the plant and take it home in small, brown boxes.

Noble Meat Company strives to return as much meat to our customers as possible. We pride ourselves in making each package of meat presentable and enjoyable to prepare and eat. We hope to strike the perfect balance of art and craft and economy that all butchers strive for.

There is quite a variation on yield, but we don’t want you to take our word for it. Please check out these awesome university-published resources:

Beef Yield:

General Yield:

General Yield:

How do you harvest the animal?
For the most part, livestock is humanely harvested with a captive bolt stunner. There are occasions where a gun is used, however, that is the minority.
How long should I hang my beef?

Your beef will hang 7-10 days depending on carcass condition and fat coverage. Seven days of dry aging is well above the beef industry’s standard time of hanging beef, which is usually 36-48 hours. Shorter hang times can be requested when scheduling your slaughter.

How long does this take?
Processing time varies depending on the cutting schedule. Anticipate your order to be ready 9-14 days after drop-off.
Will this fit in my freezer?

Each freezer is sized by cubic feet – check the size of your freezer to see how much room you have available.  A rule of thumb for meat volume is 30-35 lbs. of meat per cubic foot of freezer space.  Please see the cut-out yield information in “How much meat should I expect to receive from my livestock?” to determine roughly what you will be taking home and need to store in your freezer. 

Do I need an Inspected or Custom processing appointment?
Our facility only offers Custom meat processing. This process follows the same health, livestock welfare, and food safety standards as Texas State or USDA inspection. In Custom processing each package is marked “Not For Sale” and cannot be resold. If you have a quarter or half of the carcass sold on the hoof, it is legal to use custom processing. You need to use a different (Inspected) processor if you are planning to re-sell your meat in individual packages. Normally, this would be in a retail setting like a grocery store or a farmer’s market.
Why do you have so much availability when every other processor is scheduling so far out? Why do I need to pay a deposit to make an appointment? What if I can’t make my appointment?

All local meat processing plants have been facing unprecedented demand for services since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic.  The previous owner of Kaufman Meat Locker was not taking appointments into 2022.  This has left us with the unique ability to schedule near-term appointments for beef processing! 

Deposits are required so that we can accurately plan our schedule and avoid having appointment slots going un-used.  We understand life and weather may impact your ability to make your appointment and we will work with you as we are able.  Please see our deposit policy above. 

Do you process chickens/ducks/turkeys?
We do not have the licensing to process live poultry.
Do you process wild game?
Not currently, however, we are not ruling that out in the future.

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