The noble choice for custom beef processing.

The noble choice for custom beef processing.


Welcome to Noble Meat Company! With deep roots in the meat industry, we’re located in the old Kaufman Meat Locker, this plant has been continuously processing meat since 1945. The new owner, Clint Murchison has a passion for the local food system and deep roots in East Texas.


We would be honored if you would trust us with your beef processing.

making our mark

Our logo combines the state of Texas, the Texas Flag, and a Butcher’s Cleaver. These three symbols are proud reminders of who we are as craftsmen, Texans, and friendly neighbors. We keep this logo in front of us as a reminder of who we are, and we hope to represent these values to you every time you work with us.


113 S Jefferson St.
Kaufman, TX 75142

T: 972.932.2717
F: @NobleMeatCompany
I: @NobelMeatCo

Monday – Friday
8:00am – 12:00pm
1:00pm – 5:30pm

Saturday and Sunday


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